Sea Gate Homes Brooklyn NY

is a private gated community located on the South Western end of Brooklyn.

sea gate homes for sale brooklyn ny

Sea Gate Homes for Sale.  Click on this link and put in zip code 11224

The gated private community is patrolled 24/7 by the Sea Gate Police, NY State Police Officers.  Sea Gate is a very safe and secure community.  Inside Sea Gate you will find mostly one and two family homes.  There are even a few multi-family homes.  Sea Gate has as it’s people play ground Coney Island as its backyard, which has certainly been improving over the last couple of years.  The new rides while I’m sure are exciting for the youngsters have me stretching my head back to look at people flinging in the air on bungees or flying in an upside down ride.  The funnel cakes with powdered sugar piled high, at Dino’s Wonder Wheel park, are out of this world,

Sea Gate has plenty to shout about since it resembles the Hamptons of Long Island, only it is in Brooklyn.  The peace and quiet is fantastic.  When you wake in the morning you hear birds chirping away.  The Ocean or Bay side is no more than a 1/2 dozen blocks in either direction.  The private beach is available to home owners and apartment renters at a nominal fee.

Sea Gate also has it’s very own lighthouse, Conesea gate lighthouse coney island lighthouse brooklyn nysea gate lighthouse coney island lighthouse brooklyn nyy Island Lighthouse locate
d just off Lindy Parky in Sea Gate, built in 1890 with the first beacon lit in August of 1890.  It stands 61 feet tall and has 87 steps.  When the station was automated in 1989, Keeper Schubert, whose wife Marie had passed away in 1986, was allowed to stay on as a caretaker, and he continuing to climb the eighty-seven steps to the lantern each day to perform
required maintenance duties. During his years of service, Schubert was credited with saving the lives of fifteen sailors and was invited in 1989 for a visit to the White House by President George H. W. Bush. Schubert and his dog, Blazer, remained on duty until December 11, 2003, when Schubert passed away at the age of eighty-eight as the last of the country’s civilian lighthouse keepers. His lighthouse career had lasted sixty-five years, including forty-three years at Coney Island Lighthouse.  Coney Island – Sea Gate Lighthouse.

The Sea Gate Beach Club aka the Sea Gate Cabanas is available to non residence, as well.  Many families just love the fact that a private beach front community exists in Brooklyn.

Sea Gate is a residential community however there is a community food truck at your service in the Sea Gate parking lot.  So grab a bite before you go to the beach.